Inequality is rising fast across the world

As the investor class and financial elites continue their looting of the poor and middles classes with an ever increasing rapacity, it is becoming clear that people need to act!

OECD figures released today show a stark and growing trend, capital is pooling at the very top of the pyramid, as the financial elites grasp and use every tool in the book to pilage and steal the wealth..They see the money supply as their money, even though you work hard for the dollars or pounds you don't actually own it, in their mind its all theirs, and they want it back!

Inequality across the world is rising fast, says a new report out today from the OECD which shows it getting worse.
It is getting worse in the US, where the country's inequality score has risen in recent years. The report says:

There was a rise in the share of top-income recipients in total gross income in the three decades from 1980 to 2010 in all countries, with considerable variation from country to country. It was most marked in the United States: prior to the onset of the financial and economic crisis in 2008, the share of the richest 1% in all income reached close to 20%. However, it was also large in a number of other English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom). Elsewhere, increases tended to be greater in the Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries than in Continental European countries
It's particularly bad in the UK where the average income of the richest 10% of earners in the UK was almost twelve times that of the bottom 10% of the population by 2008, up from eight times in 1985 and above the European ratio of nine to one.
Author of the report Michael Forster says:
Income inequality has risen to a record level over the past 25 to 30 years, although it has increased in both low and high income economies alike"

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