Debt Default... Debt weapon to punish the banks and change society.

It seems that bankers and the rich are getting richer, and shock of all shocks the poor and middle income people are getting poorer. That is because we are witnessing one of the biggest wealth transfers of all time! Due to the access to cheap money banks and investors are going on a spending spree with cut price dollars, buying equities and commodities, the staples of life for the ordinary people, and in the process driving up inflation, and prices for already squeezed families across the globe. The printing presses are on full blast, and until the reality dawns, and all this fake money sloshing through the system is seen for what it is we are all (the poor) destined to be passengers on the zombie finance, train to hell!

People are talking about how democracy will flourish in the Middle East, that is a laugh! The only reason people are on the streets is because food doubled in price in less than twelve months, if you spend up to 80% of your income on food anyway what choice do you have? Riot change things or die. Sadly its not in their hands and when this reality is seen, then the wars will really start.

In the West the youth and working people are wondering where their futures will lay, they look at the pension system collapsing, the jobs market drying up, they have bankers and the wealthy seemingly making billions hand over fist, and they ask "what can I do?" Well you could start by defaulting on your credit card, have some balls, just stop paying, withdraw all the cash you can from loans over drafts, etc, and buy a safe, better still live in a squat, have some fun grows some veg, and while you are doing that, give the banks a kick in the place that hurts. If they know you don't care about paying them back, that will scare them more than anything.

We can create a world without this system, which still makes sense. They have made us scared of debt, use your debt as a weapon against them, and see who gets scared then!


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