UK Prime Minister gives in to banking elites

UK Prime Minister today finally gave up on any pretence on reigning in bankers bonuses, citing no powers to influence the pay outs. This shows how much power the banks have over the government. Not only has the UK tax payer been underwriting UK banks and their debts, the taxpayer has also allowed the banks to access cheap capital via the markets, due to the implicit tax payer guarantee for this borrowing, if this guarantee was not in place, and the banks were exposed to real market forces then this cheap borrowing would not be accessible to them, it is only through taxpayer support they can function never mind pay themselves.

Bankers would not be playing the markets at all if it were not for the UK tax payer under pinning the whole financial system, bankers have nothing but contempt for the people of the UK, and the government has shown its craven disregard for public sentiment on this matter.

The main reason for the above is that those in government, and the bankers are cut from the same cloth, they have not really personally been affected bu the financial crises, so however much lip service they pay to the concerns of the people, they can never really know their pain. This is an age old problem elites by their situation, and circumstance, are prone to be distanced and cushioned from the physical reality of financial down turns, in just the same way as the poor and the those living closer to the consequences are prone to be subjected to the realities of financial catastrophe, a catastrophe which has yet to really show its teeth, in any meaningful way to the elites.

During the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the Romanov's were no doubt unaware of the realities of the world  changing around them, our elites are pretty much the same, they have food on the table, cash in the bank, kids wives, cars holidays, they are the new Marie Antoinette's, what the bankers and politicians are really saying is 'Let them eat cake' the elites don't have a clue whats going on really, and they care less, as long as the gravy train is still running for them that is their only concern.

Its a a sad fact that mostly human beings only start to take real notice of something when its upon them, those on the inside are still well shielded from the blast, and they are not experiencing any meaningful hardship, so its business as usual. For the rest of us its a different matter, its becoming quite surreal, I never really thought at the end of the day that we would bow down to these criminals bankers, but it seems they are the masters of our universe, and the master of our prime minister.


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