Petro China INEOS

Various commentators have been looking at China's purchasing of strategic assets around the world, one could see this as a benign growth strategy, but in reality it may be much more than this. Today in Scotland, INEOS the company which runs one of the UK's largest refineries has announced a joint venture with Petro China. This is nothing more than a land grab by China's government over strategic assets in the UK, who on earth would think it is a good idea to hand over control of such important infrastructure to a strategic rival? What would happen in a time of Global energy crisis? Or god forbid in times of conflict? China will see this deal in a Geo political strategic way, a way to gain some influence over the most important commodity any country needs to function. Who will be in charge of this joint venture? and who will they be answerable to?

Once again China buys its way steadily in to control of world resources, people need to wake up to this.


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