Collectivist economics and banking (socialism for the Elites)

It seems that banking/corporations have hijacked socialism, and are drawing upon the ideological underpinnings of it for survival, no longer is socialism the goal of the granola eating, hair shirt wearing, vegan. Socialism is the new boy in town for the banks, its your pal in a time of need! "Hey why should we go broke when all those tax payers have all that money slushing about in their possible future endeavours, why should they have all that not yet printed, not yet earned money, which they may or may not have in the future!"

Banks have used collectivist ideology as a kind of time machine, to exert pressure on the taxpayer and governments to allow them access to money, not yet in existence, by using big governments addiction to its own power and importance, the banksters have drawn upon this slowly creeping collectivism (big government) as a way of fast tracking the looting of the future. In the pretence of acting for the future good of us all (socialism) the banks have done a  bank job on the taxpayer. Collectivism, socialism, communism, fascism, whatever you want to call it is now a de facto weapon in the arsenal of banks, corporations, and our ever expanding governments.

Gone are the days of the maverick, the individualist entrepreneur, the courage to fail has taken flight in corporate life, we are left with elites with vested interests, greasy poll climbing maggots, who will scream for mommy (the Government) when it all goes wrong. Collectivist welfare ideology is destroying capitalism from the top down, it was always claimed by Marx etal, that capitalism would be destroyed from the bottom up, what a strange and topsy turvey world we live in! The US banks seem to be in the process of creating a kind of corporate national socialist state, which will look after the collective needs of the banks and corporations, and protect them from the ravages of the uncontrollable, perils of the free market!


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