Ayn Rand: we need to pay heed to this outstanding woman

Watching this video of Ayn Rand, from nearly 50 years ago, it is amazing how bang on the money she is, she talks for the perils of collectivism, and creeping socialism in America, it is very scary how she makes the connection between collectivism, and the enslavement of the individual. The money elites are pulling these collectivist stunts on us now, welfare for the bankers, unemployment and disaster for the rest.

The banks said we would all suffer the consequences of their collapse, but that was a lie, they want to socialize the losses and privatize the gains. And we can march in line or go to hell! They will instigate Chinese style market socialism, and take away the individualism, and dynamism of the enlightenment, and all for the sake of money! They are destroying, capitalism, and engaging in an immoral, transfer of wealth from the tax payer to the elites.


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